Doro's VECTORS: Node Types

Find her tutorial here.


Homework for Vectors: Node Types

October 6, 2002

vector heart

vector heart made in class

Flower from class

Flower made in class

Example 1 - mushroom

Example 1 - Mushroom

This homework was VERY difficult for me. I had to pretend I didn't know anything about vectors except what was taught in the lesson! So, I began playing around with node types and the curve before/after and line before/after. From an elipse my mushroom top emerged. Then I added a stem using the rounded rectangle. Using the properties box I added a brown gradient to the stem. The poor thing looked so stark and bare that I felt compelled to add a few warts of color to the top. Then gave it a bit of shape with Effects/3d

Example 2 - flowers

Example 2 - flowers

Next, I made a basic flower shape. A single petal was created from the triangle shape using curve before/after. The petal was then duplicated and flipped. Then duplicated and rotated. After merging the four petals I duplicated them and rotated again puting them on a separate layer. After saving the basic shape in my newly started clipart folder(Thanks Doro!) I colored one with a nice gradient. The one on the upper left. The rest all started from the basic shape just tried different effects/plug -in's/colors etc. I have a feeling that I will use this basic flower often in many different colors and finishes.

NOTE: The background on this page was created from a neat tutorial by Kittywompuss called Victorian Tiles.

Ribbon for checked homework

Here is my ribbon - Thanks Kyla!

If you have questions or comments, please E-mail me.

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